The Lakes
Today draws to a close the holiday I had with my family in the Lake District. We were very lucky weather wise and it was a delightful mix of relaxation and exploration. We climbed two of the smaller, but still significant, fells (Barrow and Dodd) and there were stunning views of Derwent Water and Bassenthwaite Lake from their summits. There's nothing quite like standing on a summit, a fierce wind battering you, and looking out over rolling green hills and mountains. The Lakes may not be as high as a lot of places in the world but they are definitely among the most beautiful!
Exploring at this time of year was lovely too as the trees were a bright, fresh green and the contrast with the darker, older greens was quite stunning! It really looked as though we were looking at a processed photograph; it didn't appear quite real!
Visiting somewhere with so much natural beauty puts life in perspective. It's so nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of normal life and just take the time to enjoy what is around us. I hope that we never lose these precious national parks so generations for many years to come can enjoy their beauty too!
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